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Cyber Insurance

The Insurance Every Business Owners Needs to Know About

Cyber Insurance is a specialized form of protection designed to safeguard businesses against the complex risks arising from digital operations. In an era where cyber threats are increasingly common, Cyber Insurance provides a critical safety net, offering financial ... restitution and support services in the event of a cyber incident.


What is Typically Covered:

  • Data Breach Response: Costs associated with managing a data breach, including customer notification, credit monitoring services, and public relations efforts.

  • Business Interruption: Compensation for income lost and extra expenses incurred when a cyber event disrupts your business operations.

  • Cyber Extortion: Protection against losses due to ransomware or other cyber extortion tactics where a threat actor demands payment to prevent damage to, or return of, electronic data.

  • Legal Fees and Regulatory Fines: Coverage for legal expenses and regulatory penalties that may arise from cyber incidents, subject to the limits and conditions of the policy.

  • Network Security Liability: Protection against claims alleging that a failure in your network security caused harm to a third party, such as the spread of malware or unauthorized access to customer data.

  • Data Restoration: Costs to restore or recover lost or corrupted data as a result of a cyber attack.


What is Not Typically Covered:

  • Outdated Technology: Losses related to the use of unsupported or outdated hardware or software may be excluded.

  • Intentional Acts: Intentional illegal acts or malicious activities conducted by the business or its employees are not covered.

  • Infrastructure Failures: System failures not caused by a cyber attack, such as power outages or ISP downtime, are typically not covered.

  • Loss of Value: Depreciation in value of any data or software is not covered.

Bodily Injury or Property Damage: Physical damage or injuries are generally covered under other forms of insurance.

  • What is Business Insurance?
    Business insurance is a broad term for various policies designed to protect businesses from financial losses due to unforeseen events such as property damage, liability claims, employee-related risks, and more. It's a safeguard that helps ensure the continuity and stability of your business operations
  • Why Does My Business Need Insurance
    Insurance is essential for any business as it provides financial protection against common risks that could otherwise result in significant financial hardship or even the closure of your business. It covers everything from property damage and liability to employee dishonesty and electronic equipment breakdown.
  • How Much Does Business Insurance Cost?
    The cost of business insurance varies widely based on factors such as the size of your business, the industry you're in, the types of coverage you need, and your claims history. To get an accurate quote, it's best to speak with an insurance broker who can assess your specific needs.
  • How Do I know What type of Insurance My Business Needs?
    Determining the right type of insurance for your business depends on various factors, including the nature of your business, the risks associated with your industry, and your business's specific needs. An insurance broker can help you assess your risks and recommend the appropriate coverages.
  • Can I Customise My Business Insurance Package?
    Yes, business insurance packages are highly customizable. You can choose to include or exclude specific coverages based on your business's unique risks and requirements. An insurance broker can assist you in building a tailored insurance package that fits your business.
  • What Happens if I Don't Have Business Insurance?
    Operating without business insurance exposes you to significant risks. If an unforeseen event occurs, such as a lawsuit or property damage, you would have to pay out of pocket for any losses or damages. This could have a severe impact on your business's finances and could even lead to bankruptcy.
  • How Often Should I Review my Business Insurance?
    It's recommended to review your business insurance coverage at least annually or whenever there are significant changes to your business, such as expansion, offering new products or services, or purchasing new equipment. Regular reviews ensure that your coverage remains adequate as your business evolves.
Business Insurance Contact

If you would like more information on Professional Indemnity Insurance please fill out the below contact form or call Warren direct on 0422 131 401

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